Thursday, November 11, 2021

honoring our veterans...

Roaring fire, hot coffee waiting for me by my chair while the wind rages and the rain falls down. I am married to a wonderful man!  He has a heart of love and service, I am so very blessed.  It makes me want to do the same for him, always!

It's Veteran's Day today.  A day specifically to honor our veterans.  The men and women that have answered the call of our country from it's founding.  I come from a very long line of those veterans on both sides of my family tree.  They have stood the line since the beginning of this country. 

I have been honored to travel the journey with them.  My Dad, my ex and my sweet Hubs all donned the uniform representing the Army and the Air Force, going where asked, and doing whatever was needed.  As a brat I followed my father while he served, never staying anywhere for too long, experiencing a life I have never regretted.  As a military spouse, I followed and created a home for my family wherever that might be.  Trying to keep things normal and calm while my spouse served his country for the greater good.  

I finally met my Daddy, home from Korea

Jefferson Barracks

As the wife of a Vietnam Veteran, I have been honored to be part of his healing and growth.  I have been blessed to watch the transformation of my sweet and loving husband.  When we first started our life together he still battled many of the demons left from that war and the way he was treated when he came home.  He carried the bitterness of war, the hurt from a country that spit on him when he returned.  He didn't always even acknowledge that he was a veteran.  Even though he was one of the ones that volunteered to go.  He wasn't drafted.  He also comes from a long line of veterans.  His brother had served in many of the harshest battles of WW2, he knew it was his duty to serve his country. 

GI Hubs...

It's hot in Vietnam...

The joy of a care package from home...

I remember trying to wake him from a nap, back in the early days, it was when I realized how deep the scars were that hadn't healed. I touched his arm and was very thankful I had good reflexes or I might have been nursing a broken jaw or nose as he flew up prepared to do battle. I have no idea what kind of nightmare he was deeply in at that moment, but I know the look in his eyes was pure terror. 

I will never forget that day, he didn't hurt me, he never intended to.  It was the day that I committed to helping him face those demons and lay them to rest once and for all. No one should have that weight on their heart and soul, especially as the price for doing what their country asked of them. 

Veteran's Parade

I learned to gently wake him from a distance, to allow him time to drift away from battles and events that might still be raging deep inside.  I learned to encourage him to talk about it all, to open up the wounds and rip away the festering scar tissue.  I learned to silently hold him while he walked through those memories in his waking hours with tears in his eyes.  I have stood beside him at veteran's memorials, I've helped him to search for the name of his buddy that didn't come home and take a rubbing of his name.  Held him while he has walked the terrible road of survivors guilt.  All of these battles he had to walk alone, inside his own heart and mind.  I have been blessed to be the person standing beside him, the place to come back to that is safe.

I know that he will always have those scars, but I pray that they are now a bit less sharp and wide, that they are healing.  

I have many uncles, cousins, brother-in-laws, a grandson, friends, my children's friends, so very, very many have stepped up to heed the call of our country and I am proud of each and every one of them.  Those that serve in the military are truly special.  

I am grateful and thankful for each of them that signed that blank check up to and including their lives for their fellow countrymen.  I am also thankful for their families, because they also signed a blank check.  They have all played a part in keeping this great nation safe and secure. 

I don't share what I have witnessed Hubs deal with to shine a light on him alone.  I put that spotlight on it all because we have so many veterans that have struggled so hard with what they have witnessed, what they have seen, what they have experienced and been exposed to.  Instead of generalized well wishes on this single day, I would love to see our nation truly embrace it's veterans.  

Each day so many commit suicide, each day they give up hope.  The memories and experiences are too much.  They give in to drugs, alcohol, living life on the streets in mental and physical pain because what is happening in their minds is more than they can bare.  Too many of my husband's generation are either fighting or fought and lost the battle against the chemicals that were sprayed on them while they served.  

In a few hours Hubs will join other veterans being honored at our grand-daughters school.  He's excited.  His angel face invited him, wants him there beside her so that she can share her love and pride with her peers that she has a grandpa that was willing to serve for them.  

Our veterans deserve so much more than what they receive.  They were willing to give all.  My sweet Hubs stops every single veteran and thanks them for their service.  When he is thanked he always replies "thank you for your gratitude".  It used to perplex me, make me question why that was the answer. I understand now, because he was spit on when he came home, he was made to feel ashamed.  By the same people that didn't answer their country's call.  

Whether the politicians are right or wrong (and you don't want to get me started on that one) they willingly served for what they believed was the greater good.  For the freedom of their fellow countrymen.  They deserve far more than simple gratitude. They deserve unlimited support, love, admiration, and a country that is thankful for the service they willingly provided for our safety. 

I am challenging every person to step up and do something every day to help our veterans.  Don't just post the meme about veteran suicide's and consider it done.  Step into the void, stand the post they need you to stand.  Be that ally and silent partner that lifts them up.  Donate to organizations that truly help the vets, food pantries (many of them are battling demons we can't fathom - and struggle financially) that serve vets, find a way to help.  Know that after serving your country for an entire career, life in the "civilian world" is hard, confusing and scary.  Some of them only know the rigid structure of the military, they don't understand how to function in the "real world". Some of them have lost their families and loved ones, because of the military life - it's hard people!! 

Be the difference that they were willing to be.  It's our opportunity to serve our greatest heroes, are you as strong as they are? 

love and peace... 

1 comment:

my brother's keeper...

I've been sitting here in the silence for a few hours now.  Did my usual daily stuff and then decided to simply drink my water and play ...