I think I brought the drearies home with us... |
Kind a dreary way to start a long work week. Or maybe it is the perfect way, I won't be daydreaming of being out walking in the sunshine!
This morning is starting to look like it will end up being a morning of shoulda's... I shoulda done this and I shoulda done that, but in reality I am getting very little of it done. I don't seem to have the motivation. I know that going into one of the long work weeks I need to plan ahead or I will be so behind when it is over, but I just don't feel it.
I managed to get the laundry all done yesterday, with the exception of my son's, and it is in the dryer right now. I should go strip the bed and do the bed sheets, but I hate to disturb the old man when it's this damp and dreary. His old bones ache, I am sure, as my not so old bones ache. I can completely empathize.
I can't force this old guy to move... |
I should be knitting on my sweater to get it done, as I have an odd quirk about not liking to start a new project when I have projects that I am working on already. I am not one of those folks with a ton of WIP's, that would drive me crazy!!
I should sweep and mop the house, and tidy the kitchen, but again, I am just not feeling it.
I should start my peat pots and get some seeds started, all too soon it will be time to plant my garden and if I don't get with it I will be starting from seeds - literally!
Wow, reading this list of "shoulda's" I am feeling a bit on the lazy side. What I would really like to do is climb back into that big old bed with the old guy and sleep for a few more hours. Instead I think I will get my act together and do something. If nothing else change this shoulda mood all around, 'cause it is surely going to make for a really, really long long week if I don't get it moving in a different direction.
Is it just me? Is it just Monday? Is anyone else fighting the "I don't wanna's"?
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