Wednesday, January 19, 2022


Is it bad that I am creeping through my house like a burglar?  Silently moving from space to space to allow the babies undisturbed rest? I mean if I was smart I would have gone to sleep when they did, because 3:45 am is simply so very early.  But I had to weigh out the options.  Sleep while they did?  Or get a much coveted uninterrupted shower and a bit of time to work on the closets?  I mean... That hot water was heavenly!  And I have now completed 2/3 of the closet clean out, so... you can guess what I did.

Hubs was my hero this morning and took my suvie in to get the tires replaced.  I wasn't feeling overly excited about going into the heart of downtown St. Louis at 6:30 am, granted it's in the heart of the industrial area, but still, it's a bit more deserted and dark than I am comfortable with at that time of the day.  

In exchange I have not only been on full paw patrol, but also making lunch for his team again today.  In a few moments I will whip up his favorite dessert for him to share with his gang, one blueberry lemon cheesecake coming up, I'm not sure I feel that pairs wonderfully with chili, but it's not my stomach.

It's hard to believe that it is already the latter half of January, time is simply flying past.  I also feel a touch guilty that we haven't really had winter yet.  I mean not enough that I am going to whine that I don't have snow all over the ground and I'm freezing my tushie off when I take the babies outside.  But it feels odd to have so little snow or ice.  For the record, I am certainly okay with a mild winter this year.  My knee appreciates the opportunity to heal. 

Darn... wasn't quick or quiet enough.  My baby boy can see me from his kennel and is letting me know that he would like to be liberated.  I guess it's time to bundle up and take them walking... 

love and peace all... 

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