Thursday, January 27, 2022

flowing along...

I have always felt I am pretty darn flexible and open to change.  My sweet terror twins are definitely making me realize that I am nothing if not flexible.  Get up from a chair, only to find that there are two adorable babies sitting in it looking so proud of themselves, when I return to sit in it.  Clean a floor, rinse, repeat.  Pick up toys - they multiply.  Plan to sew, nope change it to sit and cuddle.  Come downstairs in jammies because you didn't hear them and assumed Hubs had taken them outside... nope head back upstairs and change - they were just sleeping in. 

That's life. And it's wonderful! I can't believe it is already our 5 week anniversary together.  Each day gets a bit more routine, they are slowly learning not to mouth you and puncture the skin, potty training is not going terrific - but I have faith.  They are sweeties and I am over the moon in love.  

Eventually, I will be able to go to my sewing room and they will follow and lay on a pillow up there, they are too young yet.  They got to explore it for the first time last night, it went good. Nothing was chewed up and they just sniffed around. I was doing some sewing for the oldest, so they visited with us while I worked. I was a bit nervous, because honestly I need about 5 hours or more in there to clean up and organize, so there were piles of yarn and stuff strewn everywhere.  My heart was pounding, luckily Dad was keeping a close eye, the yarn up there isn't the inexpensive Red Heart stuff, it's the pure wool and alpaca.  The good stuff.  They were really unhappy when Hubs took them back downstairs, sitting at the bottom of the stairs on the other side of the gate crying and wanting to be with me. 

They are so sweet. 

I am trying to decide if I am going to take them for a walk in a park today or just stay close to home.  I'm a bit on the lazy side today.  I feel like I am a-okay just lingering in the neighborhood.  I didn't get a chance to finish the scarf yesterday, and now I have a bigger issue because the pups took off with the yellow yarn again and I need to get it untangled.  I also need to finish the pillows that I am working on. It might just be the perfect day to linger and create. 

The snowflakes that are gently falling aren't going to amount to much of anything, but I could make a pot of soup and some crackers and we could enjoy the warmth here in the house. Puttering around and just being.  

I don't know.  

Hubs has a busy day and left a bit ago.  Pups ran out of steam and are both sleeping.  The world has a strange silence to it, which is healing.  

I will admit the world feels a bit overwhelming right now.  So much is going on, everyday there is something else that makes you scratch your head or want to pull a puppy head tilt was you sit and watch it in awe.  I am enjoying my isolated bubble, my own fortress of solitude. Maybe a bit too much.  I don't even feel guilty about it any longer.  I simply feel grateful. 

Is anyone else finding the world has just got a bit nuts? Even a simple trip to the grocery store isn't simple any longer.  If you aren't navigating the labels on your groceries to see what actually has well ya know food in it, you are navigating the people. Some days the shelves are brimming with everything imaginable others I have flashbacks of living on military bases waiting for the ships with supplies to come in. 

People are starting to just be so very, very fussy.  Everywhere I turn I am finding so much anger and almost dislike of our fellow man.  The thought process that I am the only one that matters and my needs are far greater than yours seems to be running rampant.  I am struggling hard with it. I am finding that the people I would consider my tribe are far more open and caring.  They are the ones that meet you where you are with open arms and hearts.  They aren't fussing and being ugly. 

What tribe are you looking for? I want to be a part of a community, a group that is willing to work together and have empathy for one another. And honestly, if I can't be part of that, then I am happy in my bubble. 

I think I am in a spot mentally.  A deep need to sort through thoughts and feelings.  To try to understand... Hmm... the walk with my Pups in the lightly falling snow, might just be what I need this morning. 

love and peace... 

1 comment:

my brother's keeper...

I've been sitting here in the silence for a few hours now.  Did my usual daily stuff and then decided to simply drink my water and play ...