Saturday, June 28, 2014

Winning life's lottery!

The first pieces of furniture in our new home...
Good Morning!!  Have you missed me?  Because I have missed you!  It's been so crazy since we last talked.  In fact the past two weeks feel sort of like a lifetime has been crammed into them.

Sunset the other night after finally finding a fridge!
A mere 10 days ago we were handed the keys to our new house.  It's amazing, breath taking, and just plain beautiful.  I keep pinching myself to believe its real.  Hubby and I have been making miserably slow progress moving in.  Daughter loaned us her truck, but Mother Nature has not wanted to be accommodating at all!  Half the living room is there, random boxes from other rooms.  This was not a good time to decide to move between the weather and all the changes going on at work.  But we are making progress.

I couldn't believe how difficult it was to find a refrigerator. I have never bought a new one, please do not ask how someone reaches almost 50 without ever buying a refrigerator, because it is mind boggling to me also. After almost two full weeks of searching, burning the midnight oil to find one, we gave up. Okay, so maybe not completely gave up... we were in search of a black one, counter depth.  It was like trying to find the holy grail.  Evidently black is so last week... we ultimately decided to go with stainless (it's the new black!) and switched out the stove also, man am I gonna be doing some crazy listing on Craig's list! It was so sad to realize I could switch the stove and buy a fridge for less than a black one was going to cost.

Now we just have to wait.  Seems counter depth refrigerators are not really something that ANYONE keeps in stock.  It's okay.  I haven't had time to really cook for weeks.  Insanity has reigned supreme.  And living out of two houses, well it's not fun.

soon we will be just around the corner from her...
Today we are hoping to finally make the transition to just one house.  We finally have all the utilities switched on in the new house, today we get television and internet.  And even though we won't have a fridge, we bought a small one, that will ultimately go into the basement, that will work until we get our new one.

There isn't supposed to be rain until late tonight, so hubby and I will definitely be taking advantage of the sunshine. In fact I should be packing or at the very least painting.  I am definitely feeling a bit overwhelmed!

Stressed fur babies...

Happy grand baby...

I feel like I've won the lottery!

On the Monday before we got the keys, I was asked to accompany our teen trip this year to Brazil! Someone pinch me!!

I have always wanted to travel to South America!  For my entire life!  So you can imagine that it took me less than a minute to reply.  After making sure that it wasn't a very cruel joke.  It wasn't!!

So in the midst of moving, I have been scrambling like crazy to catch up and get ready to go to Brazil in less than a  month.  I have a feeling that August is going to be a lot like me trying to catch my breath, me trying to remember what sleep and normalcy feel like.

I am finally feeling better and not living in a sick, drugged fog.  So this is helping, playing catch up is not.

kitchen chair before...
kitchen chair after...
I haven't really had time for sleep, so you can imagine that I haven't had time for much else either. Today after we meet with AT&T for the final installations until after the fourth of July we will work on moving beds and critters to Missouri.  Tonight, the game plan is to sleep in our new home.

Our girl... the perfect reason to hurry west...
It's exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time, the familiarity will be gone.  I can walk this house in the pitch dark.  I know what I will encounter and where everything is.  The new house is so much bigger, with multi-floors and  what feels like a million light switches.  I imagine getting up in the middle of the night to let the boys out is going to be quite an experience. If you hear of a middle aged woman, falling down in the dark on unfamiliar stairs, while trying to desperately open the back door... no worries, it will just be me...

Well, as much as I want to share all the things I have learned in the past few weeks, that will have to wait.  I have boxes to pack and an SUV and a Truck to load before leaving at 7:30 this morning.  And I want to cram them full!  I am tired of driving back and forth, I need to make each trip count!

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cherish the moments...

Thank you Lord for this beautiful morning.  It's August and after a few mornings where you could barely breathe outside due to the heat ...