Sunday, October 13, 2019

a time to ignore...

The river was calling, we might have ignored it. 

Both of us were dressed and ready.

We enjoyed the morning at Veg Fest, tried so many new things, met new people and marveled at the incredible turn out.  We truly enjoyed the sunny, crisp morning. Found an amazing pizza, all the ingredients for a completely vegan charcuterie plate, tasted so many cheezes, and enjoyed a scoop of vegan sorbet from Clementines.

We had such a wonderful morning, enjoying the sights, sounds, scents and tastes.  As we were walking back to the car, down the hill, enjoying the day we decided to skip the river. We knew the river would wait.

Both of us were tired.  We've been working a lot.  Hours have been long and there hasn't been much opportunity for rest.  In fact this weekend is pretty much the only one that we could steal the majority of just for us for the next few weeks.  It will be November before there is a chance to take a complete breath.

So we opted to breath.  We came home, we napped, we sat out back on our deck and enjoyed the colors and fall day rocking on the deck. I put together our charcuterie plate and opened a nice bottle of local red wine.

Enjoying the day with my best friend... Priceless!

This morning before we left I managed to get a batch of soap made, the kitchen area is currently filled with the soft scent of wild roses.  I cannot wait to unmold and cut it.  I am so excited to see the beauty of the colors, the gentle swirls are things that will reveal themselves.

I thought about starting on the Raspberry Ale Soap, the ice cubes have been frozen for over a month, instead I am curled up in my chair enjoying a Hallmark movie with my sweet Hubs.  A Walton's Wedding, I loved the Walton's. So needless to say, I am enjoying this evening. 

I didn't plan to slow down, I didn't plan to rest.  I am thankful that we have.  I needed it.

1 comment:

cherish the moments...

Thank you Lord for this beautiful morning.  It's August and after a few mornings where you could barely breathe outside due to the heat ...