Saturday, October 30, 2021

the little things...

I find myself completely in love with the little things.  The softness of the wind chimes echoing through the house, coming down stairs in the morning to find my sweet Hubs has cleaned up the kitchen that I was too tired to clean the night before, my coffee sitting prepped and ready for me to pour when I wander down the stairs.  

Hubs gets up so much earlier than I do, seems he rarely sleeps anymore.  When reality is that he goes to bed earlier than I do.  But the blessing of waking up to hot coffee and a clean kitchen... frankly it leaves me without words.  I feel valued and cherished by those two small things. 

Love can be shared in these simple gestures.  Sweet Hubs is an expert at conveying love in the little things.  I cherish this sweet man, I am so very blessed. He goes out of his way to make me smile. 

It sets the tone for my day.  Yes, I know it is silly and I can't really explain why it is such a big thing for me.  I am so grateful for it though.  

It will be a fun filled weekend with family and friends, so it will be a bit busier than normal, those few extra moments are a true gift. I can sit quietly and write, not feeling guilty about what I might be neglecting around my home. 

Anyone else have those moments?  

I neglected chores yesterday, while visiting with a dear friend.  We spent the time working on an assortment of projects, having lunch and running errands.  Since I rarely leave my house during the daytime hours now, it was fun. I was pretty thrilled to completely finish one of my projects while we sat and visited.  

I will have to set up a photo shoot before long, to capture photo's of all of them.  Unfortunately, as they are gifts it will be a while before anyone sees the pictures. 

Sitting here listening to the chimes swirling in the wind, I am actually rather shocked by the fact that we are down to the last two days in October.  It feels surreal. Weren't we just getting ready to celebrate the new year?  But then as I type that, that time feels so far away, a different lifetime. 

So many cycles, events and timelines are ending.  So much is changing.  Not overnight, although it does feel that way.  But swiftly.  And the changes feel wonderful.  I guess I should clarify that I am not looking at external changes, the world has gone completely crazy and upside down.   I have found myself pulling back from all of the craziness at a rate that I can't explain.  I simply do not want to be a part of the insanity swirling around me. 

Driving home last night I was stunned to see the price of gas, $3.17 a gallon at the corner, almost double in a year, they are edging it up a few pennies a week, slowly.  Makes me think of the story about how a frog will cook to death when the temperature is raised slowly. They don't realize it until it is too late. Everything is raising in costs slowly. People are losing more and more, but because of it being slowly they are becoming complacent, accepting that they need the product so they will simply pay the difference without complaint. I find myself wondering how much we are willing to lose before we rise up to challenge it. It will only happen when we simply stop accepting it and step outside of the narrative, the script that has been written for us. 

Yep, I am not okay with the outside changes.  

But the internal ones... those are filling me with hopefulness and joy.  There is something calming in sitting for moments or hours watching the birds outside the window, or working on creating something.  Creating meals with intention, to nourish and heal our bodies, finding peace in a long autumn walk, working side by side to make our lives richer and more vibrant. I am finding great solace in these things and more. 

Ironically, the beauty of tidying ones space or cleaning out things that no longer serve you also creates joy. I was so happy that my friend was able to use some of the things that I had set aside for her.  Who would have ever thought that chores were healing?

I am getting ready to tackle the cookbook collection and the random leadership books that I have stored throughout the house.  If anyone is looking for some leadership books they should let me know.  I have quite a collection, that I no longer want or need.  I have already made the decision that I will never work in a leadership role again. Being responsible for others is simply too much. It eats at your soul and I'm done with that journey. 

At the same time the cookbook collection is also out of control and I refuse to admit how many I currently own, yet how few I actually use. If I haven't used it since I moved into this house, then I know that I know longer need it. I have many that no longer serve me. Again, let me know if there are any in the mix that you would like to have. 

Well, the day is going to start dawning soon and I have things to do to get ready to spend time with my loved ones... Chili needs prepped before the parade and I need to make sure I have the fixings for Bloody Mary's, gotta be able to warm up before and after. 

I hope everyone finds hopefulness and joy in their worlds, that their eyes are opened to the beauty inside and they follow their hopes and dreams.  

Be brave!

1 comment:

cherish the moments...

Thank you Lord for this beautiful morning.  It's August and after a few mornings where you could barely breathe outside due to the heat ...