Since being home there is so much discord everywhere we go. People are not speaking to each other, they are fussy. It feels like a pressure cooker. I am not a fan of this current state of affairs. I already miss the peace of last week.
Running errands today was stressful, we made the mistake of stopping in a Walmart, never my favorite, but we were short on time and it would be one stop. Besides the Walmart down in the country was delightful, oh how quickly one forgets reality.
I am not a fan of all the self-checkouts. Nor do I love waiting for an extended period of time for someone to come over when it doesn't work right. And the constant rearranging of the aisles is enough for insanity. It wore me out. Finding five items (two of which they didn't have) and checking out took over an hour. So very, very frustrating. Listening to how unhappy everyone around me was... ugghhh...
I am questioning so many things right now. But mostly I am taking a deep breath and stepping back. I am finding the best way of dealing with the shifts in people is to literally step away. I long to find myself walking in the sunshine on a trail far from the crabby chaos.
I am listening to the sound of a storm trying to roll in, it's needed. The air is charged with electricity, it's stale and humid. It's also warm, it almost hit 80 today. All of those things signals an impending storm. It might head south of us, but being under a tornado watch for the majority of the day definitely doesn't make the intensity in people any smoother.
Sweet Hubs will return to work tomorrow, this has been the fastest week ever. To see the look on his face tonight while we were at a party for a friends one year old grand-daughter when he realized it was Sunday night was heart-breaking. He loves his job and his team, but precious time off seems to simply fly past. His plate will be full tomorrow, it always is when you return from a week away.
I will stay in my quiet bubble tomorrow. Doing my chores, decompressing from the stress of angry people, and working on the quilt I was commissioned to do. There is so much to accomplish and it will definitely be "that kind of Monday" here at the house. Although, I am actually looking forward to catching up and getting organized.
I have been so blessed to spend many wonderful hours with people that I love and care deeply about. It's the strangers that can be so unkind that I don't understand. While we were down on the Meramec there was a road rage incident here in town that made my blood run cold. Two men in their early 70's actually pulled off the road to "discuss" things. The end result... after what appeared to be a fist fight, one of them climbed into their car and used it as a weapon to run the other over several times. Both of these men will spend the rest of their lives in less than ideal circumstances, one has a very long recovery that will no doubt result in pain for the remainder of his life, the other is most likely prison bound.
I can't believe it is the full moon causing this insanity, it didn't just occur. Everywhere you turn or look there is simply more of this courageousness. What is it going to take to get humans treating one another decently again? Where is all this bitterness and angst coming from? Lack of oxygen or the fear mongering all sources of media? Are they simply unable to step back and look into their hearts? There are thefts, beatings, foul words, and hatred spewing everywhere. It's like the world is walking on eggshells and has no idea how to right oneself.
Here's a start... turn off your television. Same thing with the radio. Stop and have a few conversations with strangers, we are far more alike than different....
So much to ponder. To think through and process.
I'm thankful for the peace that I have. I'm thankful for the joy I find in my day to day life. I am looking forward to self-isolating for a few days. I need to space to reset after these past two days of peopling.
Love and peace everyone...
Good one! 381+