Perfection. I brought the morning in sitting out here with my cup of hot German coffee and my knitting. Watching the faint sunrise through the cloud filled skies. I love this time of the year, in my world this is the perfect kick-off. Sweatshirts, hot coffee, and the promise of more beauty to come.
Feeling pretty accomplished today, as I managed to complete all of the things on my to do list yesterday. I was right, my house completely smelled of autumn. The baking bread, the cinnamon and apples, the pickling spices for the peppers and onions all mixed together made me feel like I was stealing a day of summer to add to my favorite season.
I gathered up all my fear and threw it out the window and made the cheese. It's good. Different, but good. It was quite delicious on our salads last night. I have a few things I might change up next time, or maybe I will just try a completely different cheese, some paneer or maybe a feta. I also found a recipe for cream cheese, that is another possibility also. I have quite a bit of whey in the fridge, so the possibility still remains to try making a ricotta... hmmm... homemade lasagna with fresh ricotta? That is a definite possibility also. Just not today.
fresh milk |
bubbles... |
separating curds and whey |
straining |
draining... yep those are egg shells drying in the background... |
ready to cut... |
amazing, especially with fresh veg from the garden and fresh baked bread |
I'm a touch too short for spending long hours in the kitchen chopping veggies and such, so needless to say, I usually end up with a tender back the next day. Either my body is letting me know I am getting old, or it is giving me time to work on all the things that bring me joy.
I spent some time yesterday learning about different herbs and their healing properties. I've never been a big pharmaceutical fan, usually telling docs to save the effort and not prescribe them - knowing I won't take them anyhow, but the past few years have really driven home the importance of diet and natural healing methods.
I was fascinated by some of the things I learned regarding holy basil and chicory of all things. I am already a huge fan of mullein (to the point that I am going to be growing some), I am fairly positive that I need to add both of the others to my garden also. I feel that we have been drawn so far away from the things that will actually improve our health in the name of modern medicine. Throughout the Bible there are references to all of our needs being provided for us. No where that I could find does it claim we have to wait for scientists and chemists to create any of it for us. I always tend to walk on the side of God made over man made. It's a faith thing for me.
As you might think, I either have far too much time on my hands, or not nearly enough. The things I am learning and exploring keep me fascinated and pursuing more information in a state of almost wonder and amazement. I fear that for too long humans have been pushed into boxes of want and need to keep us from exploring the world around us. To prevent us from receiving all of the blessings that the Lord and our planet have naturally gifted us with.
The simpler my life becomes the richer I find it to be. Ironic, right? I find I am not so wasteful with my time, my resources or my mind. I am always in search of new... well old ways... exploring the value and the reason for all of it.
For example making cheese yesterday. For the cost of the milk, I could have easily bought some cheese. I have to trust when I buy food at the grocery that it hasn't been modified or changed in any way. I have to trust the ingredients and the company. With the way our world has changed, I struggle giving that kind of trust easily. The cheese that I made had 3 ingredients. Fresh from the cow milk, vinegar and salt. God made ingredients versus man made chemicals.
Today I will probably start making up some large batches of vegetable soups to can and save for the colder months. I have random veggies left from the garden, not enough to put up on their own. But as the cooler temperatures continue to become more consistent my garden will finish it's cycle and to not be wasteful, I will find a use for everything.
Before the week is out, I will probably make several batches of pesto, given that I noticed this morning that my basil is starting to fade away. It's also time to start drying some of my herbs, although I do believe I might bring the basil and thyme inside for the winter as they both will over winter just fine in the house.
Again, simpler. I believe I will use my oregano to make some oregano oil. It is another one of the herbs that I am learning so much about. I always thought it was simply a seasoning for Mediterranean dishes. Never realizing its incredible healing properties.
I will also use the herbs in my garden to make some fire cider - look it up... amazing. And I will be fermenting some garlic in a beautiful raw honey. All of these things will help us be healthy all through the cold months ahead. Without relying on any of those fussy hard to pronounce chemicals.
Maybe I am becoming a bit of a rebel, or my hippie soul (Hubs is convinced about this) is rearing it's head. No idea. But I find peace and comfort in the path I am walking now. Something I never felt walking in the "real" world.
Well, the sun is starting to peek through the fluffy gray and white blanket of clouds drifting over head and my fingers want to get a few more rows on my sweater before I start my daily chores. Time to dash...
love and prayers... and happy Fall ya'll!
Good one! 381+