Tuesday, March 29, 2022

make it stop...

Yesterday felt like it was on speed, I never thought about stopping until I crawled into bed, I even stopped to do one final load of laundry and run the dishwasher before I laid down.  I was in an almost frantic mode, I have no idea why. I just got busy and didn't seem to need to stop.  Unfortunately, it carried into the night as I woke up at 1:37 am and struggled to fall back asleep, finally falling to sleep around 4:30 am, and that even involved a long meditation designed to relax and unwind the mind.  Mine definitely didn't want to unwind last night. 

So much is going on, so much insanity in the world.  So much stupidity.  

I couldn't believe that literally every time the radio or television came on or I opened up email or social media there was someone else asking about the stupid slap that occurred on the Oscars.  I was stunned that with everything going on in the world right now, that people seemed to be unable to talk or think about anything else. 

I am still wondering how something so inappropriate and childish could have people so mesmerized.  I don't watch the Oscars, or most anything else you would find on television for that matter.  I find it a useless activity that seems to have the sole purpose of dumbing us down, of making us complacent and easily controlled.  I am not someone that buys into most of that.  So I am seriously struggling here. 

I think the weight of the world was what crept into my brain and soul last night.  I think that is where the overwhelming feeling came in.  I've been praying for a classmate from long ago as they battle for their health.  I'd heard that a former co-worker that I loved and respected was not doing well, but it hadn't been confirmed.  Last night I found out they have been placed on palliative care and is expected to pass fairly soon.  That is another bright flame that is being extinguished far too soon. My little great nephew is undergoing another procedure this morning.  It's overwhelming. 

People are worried about if a slap was real or not and whether or not it was appropriate... in my opinion the answer is no, hitting someone is never appropriate - we spend years teaching our children that very lesson. But are they paying attention to the cost of food, gas or necessities? Or it that just something they have been conditioned to expect? Increase after increase, but hey what's a person to do, suck it up and work more hours. 

For generations our country has been divided over all of the slavery that was used to build this country.  In the earliest years slavery was a common way of running businesses, the wealthy getting wealthier off of the lives of others.  If it wasn't slavery, then it was indentured servitude that sometimes never ended.  I feel like we are definitely still living in those buckets, it's just "prettier" and "nicer" now.  It's dressed up and made palatable. For the most part people are not being whipped or beaten - at least not physically.  Children are no longer physically stolen away to be sold or given away because you can't afford to keep them. 

Instead, people give up their lives working as much as they can for ever increasing expenses and higher taxes. Children are not taught skills that will translate into any form of independence from a system that feeds off their labor for their entire lives. 

Heck, I received yet another message yesterday telling me that I would save $6 per month on trash if I vote yes for adding another tax to stuff I buy online.  Sorry, still no.  I would pay more than $6 per month if I did that. 

I went to the grocery yesterday, two stops, didn't buy anything outrageous, absolutely no luxury items just basic necessities.  At no point did I even fill a cart, several things I was looking for were not even available at either store.  One of them was so cost prohibitive that I decided we didn't need it. By the time I got home and put the food items and laundry detergent away I realized that I had spent almost $400 and had less than 10 bags to show for it.  Buying enough lettuce for four salads cost $8.

When do people wake up?  At what point?  Or is it easier to be distracted by the "slap heard round the world"? Is it less painful to get lost in fantasy played out on television than to stand up and do something. 

Yesterday I watched so many people pick up things at the grocery and put them back down after looking at the prices.  I saw folks walk out of Costco with almost empty carts.  The shelves at Schnucks were fairly bare - that is pretty much the standard there nowadays. 

I have to admit, I am not the kind of person that sits around and lets things happen to me.  I am someone that puts their energy into finding solutions for myself, my family and my closest friends that I know will work alongside me.  I will work very hard to make a difference. 

Last night when I was struggling to rest I read something that someone wrote.  It was so unbelievably powerful to me. "The biggest impact you can make in the world, now and always, is to remain an individual. Avoid falling into group think, be wary of labels used to box you in, and have confidence in your own thinking. Those three things could have prevented a lot of what we're currently seeing." 

Those words echoed in my mind for hours.  We've been so conditioned to fit in, to be part of the "mold", that to speak our minds and use our on voices is considered to be wrong on far too many levels.  We learned it in grade school.  Peer pressure is a strong motivator.  I know all of us had at least one teacher that punished the group when one person dared to think or do differently. 

I never fit in.  It hurt me a lot when I was younger. Now I treasure that about myself.  I don't want to fit a mold, I don't want to conform to other's opinions.  I know I am not alone, even though I spent many years feeling like I was, now I know there are many in my tribe, I just didn't know how to find them. 

All of us were sitting quietly on the sidelines afraid to speak up.  We are still mostly on the sidelines, but we aren't afraid.  We finally realized we didn't need to speak up, we simply needed to move forward. 

Today will probably not be as frantic.  I'm a bit weary.  But it will be filled with doing the things that make a life. Sweet Hubs just called, he'd like to bring a friend over for lunch.  They are going to pick up an old broken ping pong table from the storeroom downstairs, it came with the house and we've never done anything with it. So I need to get with it and start putting together a yummy meal for them and finishing up my chores.  I'm just going to keep moving forward and keeping my eyes on the future.

love and peace... 

1 comment:

cherish the moments...

Thank you Lord for this beautiful morning.  It's August and after a few mornings where you could barely breathe outside due to the heat ...