So much makes me wonder these days. This heat is yucky, but tolerable. I'm thankful that I took the time to put heavy drapes in all of the windows yesterday. It's amazing the difference in our house already. Makes me wonder why I waited so long. The blinds in all of the windows definitely did not do as good of a job of blocking out those hot rays of light. I actually enjoyed the time I was in my sewing room and during the summer, well that is hardly the case. That late afternoon sun is brutal, we even managed to get the dining room cooled, again not something that usually happens from late June until about September. The things you learn when you start paying attention.
Yesterday I ran up to the corner grocery, I decided to make Hubs some keto ice cream. I didn't want to go all the way to the other store, at some point you have to make a decision about how much gas you are willing to spend to do something spur of the moment. Schnucks has been struggling to keep their shelves stocked since about March of 2020, we all know what happened then. They are also the first ones to jump on every stupid bandwagon that comes along. I assure you I wasn't colored surprised when they were all masked up again and the shelves were mostly barren. In fact, I guess my expectations were solidly met.
the stocker had just left... |
I'd read that potatoes were in short supply this year and worse is expected next year. Now Hubs and I agreed to give them up over a year ago, so I wasn't really overly concerned about it. Nor had I paid much attention. But when I went to Costco the day before I noticed they only had a very small bin of potatoes, not the giant ones they usually have. Yesterday at Schnucks it was glaringly obvious that something is definitely up with potatoes. Yep, I know they aren't really in season yet, but being a spoiled American, I know for a fact that they have been in abundance year round until recently.
I guess we can add potatoes to the growing list of things that are struggling to reach the shelves. I wonder if I need to consider growing some? It's too late to start them this year, but I am feeling like I need to get some organic ones and let them become seed potatoes. We actually like them, but they are super heavy in carbs and we try to avoid that.
Saw another news article that has me even more perplexed, evidently 10,000 cows dropped dead from the heat, in Kansas. Now I admit it is warm, but I am struggling to believe the truth in this one. Maybe a couple head, but 10,000 previously healthy cows? Something doesn't smell right... not in the least... the pictures were quite disturbing and the articles were carried on multiple sites.
Ahhhh... that breeze is getting stronger, I can hear all of my wind chimes! I love the peaceful sounds they make. They fill me with joy and a sense of calm. Like everything is going to be okay. Just a reminder that life has a minor hiccup (maybe major at this moment) and to simply remember to go with the flow. Float along with the breezes kind of message.
I spent a lot of time lifting and carrying heavy things yesterday. The Pups food came in and I needed to get it the extra one downstairs. I always order two, because they are growing babies and because puppy food is stupid hard to come by here in the Lou. They are seven months old now, soon we can transition them to big dog food, that will make it a touch less challenging. I'm not so used to heavy lifting, I'm just starting to be brave enough that I trust my knee on stairs while carrying heavier things, so needless to say... today is an achy kind of day.
I even used Hubs' inversion board today to stretch out the old back. Today it feels super old. Not so sure I enjoyed the feeling of being suspended upside down, but I will admit that the pain in my back dropped dramatically. Our orthopedic doc has some incredible suggestions sometimes. I was nervous, worried it would be too much for my knee, after all you are basically suspended from your ankles. No issue with the knee and the back feels light years better, I'll be able to complete the tasks I have laid out for myself.
they don't care... |
I think it is time to take down the kennels, or at least close to it. I left the puppies alone for over an hour yesterday, they slept and waited for my return, they didn't destroy anything. Well, anything of ours, the soft toys are rapidly dying off. Hubs and I pick up their remains at least six or so times a day. Those squeakers mean the toy is going to be ripped to absolute shreds in search of that noise.
what are you looking at? |
I even gave the steps a test run last night. After we head to bed with the Pups, I was worried they would wander the house, so I have been laying a gate across the top step. Yes, I know full well they can take it down if they want, but they haven't even begun to bother it. So last night I didn't bother. Neither pup wandered. They slept soundly through the night. After almost six months, our home will start to return to normal. I do not know how I will handle it! I think for now I will simply disassemble them and store them downstairs, just in case. No need to be hasty.
Well, the things don't happen without me doing them. So it's time to get with it. One of my friends is coming over this afternoon and we will can some of the meats she's been doing up in her smoker. I figure I'd better get my stuff done before she comes so that there is room to play.
Watch out carrot peeler... here I come. Have a great day everyone! Please pay attention to what is really going on around you!
love and peace...
Good one! 381+