Tuesday, December 24, 2019


t'was the night before Christmas...

Okay, so it's the day before the night before Christmas, but close enough.  My kiddo's are still snoozing and Hubs and I are simply chilling.  At least for the moment.  We've had a busy morning, running to the Doc for my knee (gotta love a needle in the knee for Christmas!), grabbing some last minute ingredient requests for the kids that were still sleeping when we went shopping yesterday, and just doing the things.

I am feeling so rested.  Something I have been seriously lacking in my life for well over a year.  The time to slow and simply be has caused me to feel creative, to dream and to do.  Going to a movie for a few hours was a treat, not a worry, a fear of what I might be failing to get completed.  I won't lie, I've been keeping an eye on work.  Responding when needed.  But absolutely not focusing on it.

I've spent time meditating and enjoying the time with Hubs and Kiddo's.  Christmas lights, wagon rides, hours spent creating and chatting.

I am cherishing these moments.  All of them.  I am guarding them and protecting them. They are priceless. All too quickly things can change, as I was reminded yesterday by the call I got from one of my team.  One of our long time "Y family" member's had passed away.  She'd been ill, we had expected something to happen, just not so soon.  Just not that.  We'd hoped and prayed that treatment would if not cure her at least extend her life. All too soon, it changed.

I know that not everyone celebrates Christmas. I feel that all of us can benefit from the joy, compassion, love and acceptance the season represents. I love to hear the joy in people's voices.  I feel overflowing with love at what I witness all around me.  The random acts of kindness that this time of year seems to magnify are so warming to the soul.  I just wish that it didn't take a special time of the year to encourage that type of goodness and love. 

My Christmas wish this year?  Give love, cherish the ones you have close, honor the memory of those passed on, hold space for those that need it and find a way to simply give in this world filled with hurt and loneliness.  Be that bright and shining light of love!

1 comment:

cherish the moments...

Thank you Lord for this beautiful morning.  It's August and after a few mornings where you could barely breathe outside due to the heat ...