Friday, December 27, 2019


with a "c"... that is how my daughter described the gifts of this holiday season. 

She's right! Yesterday found us all sitting in a loud mall food court, so the boy could have Sarku one more time before returning to the coast - which is barren of that particular delicacy. It was overly loud, we basically sat in extreme silence, because we couldn't hear each other anyhow. 

Just sitting together.  Me, snuggling the youngest dragon, as she was in that kind of mood.  Soft kisses on the head and on the finger that she cut while painting mommy's carpet and stealing a soda can from one of her older siblings.  Looking around the table at everyone munching, seems so mundane to the outsider, but for me it was pure heaven.

After wandering and returning a gift that wasn't going to be used, we headed to the gaming store.  Where the returned gift became a needed gift.  Double win on that one.

A dog walk later and we headed to St. Louis Union Station, we knew the aquarium did not have any tickets, but that was okay, it's the girl's new favorite hangout. We considered the Ferris Wheel, not too seriously - I'm terrified of heights and those lines!  None of us were game for that kind of madness with a toddler. We enjoyed the Fire and Lights display a couple of times and even found the opportunity for a snack at the Soda Fountain. That place smells overly sweet as soon as you walk in. 

We did decide on the Mirror Maze and Mini-Golf.  It was a blast.  I was a bit sad to see so many thing broken in the maze, when it had only recently opened.  It was crazy fun just the same. I will say that more than once someone, read the baby dragon, ran into the mirrors face first.  She finally got wise and held hands so that someone else hit the glass first. It's worth the few dollars it cost for the price of giggles.  It will be better when they fix the broken items.

Mini-Golf with a toddler.  Interesting.  It was a great evening, we had so much fun.  It was an almost warm night for most of the evening.  I managed to retain my worst golfer ever title!  I was pretty proud of that accomplishment, I simply cannot golf - even the mini version is simply not for me. It was full of giggles, bragging, one-up-manship, it brought out the competitive in sweet Hubs like no tomorrow.  We discovered you could play mini-golf and be the lowest scorer in a dress and heels, and that a mom can swing a mean golf club while carrying a toddler.  She can also use said toddler as a prop to get a two swing hole on a par 3.

As the attractions started closing and the crowds started to thin out we wrapped up our game and headed back to our cars. It was the holiday's of old for me.  Time, the most precious gift of all had been spent.

Walking back, I was asking my girl what color shoes I could replace her Christmas ones with, as she had already bought herself two of the ones I bought her.  That's when she told me I'd been giving her the best presents around, they were present's with a "c".  We've done tons of fun things, visited, talked, shared meals and just enjoyed each other. As the boy is getting ready to head home tomorrow I realized that is what we've been doing also.

The greatest gift of all!

This Christmas has completely been about presence.  And I feel unbelievably blessed because of it. So much time with everyone! 

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