Sunday, November 3, 2019

baby steps...

Disappointed. Turned back the clocks.  Excited to know that there was one more hour of precious sleep.  It doesn't change a darn thing when you are wide awake at what should have been 4:30 am, ready to take on the day.  Except for the shock of seeing the clock on the phone telling me it was only 3:30 am... ugghhh... seriously?

Wide awake.  Full of energy and ready to tackle the world.  As the world felt a little huge, especially at 4:30 am, I decided to start with my laundry pile.  It felt manageable. 

After a few hours of ironing and laundry, yes I have been working a bit more than taking care of the household chores, Hubs asked if I wanted to take advantage of this beautiful morning and take our Neeko for a walk at one of his favorite parks. 

It was a brisk 31 degrees, I was definitely game for it.  I had already made a commitment to walking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day for the week.  It seemed like Hubs had heard my private thoughts as I was working through my ironing.  I miss walking with Hubs in the mornings, it provided me with a weird balance that I needed.  I have been longing for it.

To further encourage myself, I signed up for some virtual walks.  I love to compete against myself, I do not love to compete against others.  I do best with external tracking for accountability. I struggle to push through to make time for things important to me.  I will put myself last if I am not recording it somehow.

Bundled up and a short drive to the park, we didn't quite own it, we had to share a bit with two other pups and their people.  Each of us strolling along, enjoying the sites and sounds.  We weren't sure if Neeks could handle much of a walk.  He's definitely getting up there, next week he will turn 15.  He did awesome, it wasn't fast.  It didn't need to be.  It needed to be mentally fulfilling. It was.

Hubs and I just finished watching Game Changers... Each time I watch another documentary, I find myself slipping further down the rabbit hole.  Or maybe I am climbing out of it.  The things I am learning, being exposed to and finally understanding, are mind blowing. I highly recommend it.

I struggle with the misinformation that I am finding I have grown learning.  The need for milk, meat, protein is only available from eating animal foods. Such falsehoods.  I love watching these shows with Hubs.  Both of us are learning.

I am using this day to work on my food prep for the coming week.  I am also working on my cooking class.  I am getting ready to roast a few veggies, cook more beans, I am on a mission to master the things that will help us to live our best lives.

I need to get back at it, I finished the black beans - they turned out fantastic and I want to use them to make some black bean burger patties.  And I need to get those Adzuki beans cooking.  I am intrigued.  I have not had them in the past, it is time to expand our horizons. I also need to make the "Chickpea Curry" that I am taking for our team today. 

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