Sunday, September 4, 2016

3 am is not people time...

I read a meme yesterday that said that those who are awake at 3 am are creative, artists, actors, geniouses, etc.  I have a different hypothesis.  They are owners of bratty dogs! Because I have been seeing a lot of 3 am's lately.  And they have definitely not involved anything creative, artisitc or even remotely intelligent.

They have involved me staggering to the kitchen to get the dog leash and then trying not to trip over my pj pant legs that are getting too big as I make my way down the hall being herded by a big lug wearing a cone on his head.  By the way those cones HURT!  I'm pretty sure the back of my legs look like I have been beat.

This morning the old guy decided to get in on the middle of the night strolling.  By the time I walked both of them in the front yard, refilled the water dish for Gator as Neeko didn't even leave a drop, and staggered back to the chair that has served as my bed this week... lets just say the ability to go back to sleep was gone.

My knee was simply not enjoying the recliner last night.  And I think I miss sleeping stretched out. No, there is no thinking about it, I completely miss sleeping stretched out.  I cannot wait for Tuesday night.  He gets his staples out and I am fairly sure the stair ban will be over.  I am praying it will be over.  I am so sore.

Right now he's lying in the dining room, where he thinks I can't see him.  Dad took his cone off of him, not sure why, and he keeps turning to lick.  He really is a slow learner. I think he is probably healed well enough, but the thought of any further time in that chair insures that I don't want to take that chance.

I am waiting for Hubs to finish watching his movie.  I am ready to go for a walk, he isn't.  And while I enjoy walking alone, I get bored and will walk further with him.  We need to walk the boys first and then we can go.  I am an inpatient person, I know this.  I also am not a movie person.  So putting anything on hold for a movie, just makes me a bit crazy.  I get it, we all have our own way of de-stressing.  That is his.

I think he wants to go ride in Illinois today.  I don't mind the river road, what I do mind are all the other people.  It's hard enough to trust just one person with your safety when you are a passenger on a motorcycle.  It's worse when there are others that are not being as safe.  I get a bit stressed out.  I want to go over to the Brussels area and then head north, there are a few sites there that are demanding my attention, north of Hardin, so maybe that is where we will head.  Seems to be an archeological site a bit further north. Definitely my kind of day.

I am hoping his ankle is feeling better, because I really would like to get a hike in today.  It doesn't have to be long, but I really want to give these stronger muscles of mine a try.  Or maybe we can take an evening bike ride.  Just something a bit more than we do during the week and a bit different.  I don't like to get bored.

I found a recipe yesterday that I am going to make for our picnic lunch today.  It's a five bean salad.  I am hopeful that it tastes as good as it looks.  I'm planning to make it, chop up some veggies and I found these wonderful little crackers at Trader Joes (have I mentioned how much I love that store?), and of course I think we will need a few small cubes of cheese to go with it.  The more time I am spending making "real" food, the less I want to eat out.  It just doesn't taste as good.

Well, the Hubs is done and the day is calling... Enjoy some beauty today...

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