Monday, August 1, 2022


I've found the past few days to be calming and centering.  I haven't thought about writing and I honestly haven't missed it, until late yesterday, I hadn't really thought about it.  I've been gently living life and absorbing things around me.  Trying to stay super neutral so that I can see all sides of things. 

When you step back and simply observe you find things are spiraling in so many areas.  You can see so much that you miss in the noise of participating. Some of it saddens me, it makes me question if people are actually aware of what is going on around them.  If they have thought out all of the ins and outs or if they are simply living in the moment.  Forgetting all of the precious lessons that history has taught us.  

"Those that do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it" was first written by philosopher George Santayana, The Life of Reason 1905.  Many through the ages have edited it and changed it to suit the times in life.  But the fact is, it's pretty solid advice. I've always lived by it and strive to fully understand things that have happened in the past.  

Taking time to study and learn.  And when new evidence arises taking time to re-evaluate what I thought I knew vs the new evidence and where the understanding took me from there.  I can say there are many things I thought I knew very well, things I had accepted and thought made sense until they didn't. 

What I am discovering is that there really isn't anything new under the sun and we are always repeating a lesson that we didn't learn well enough in the past. 

For example a dear friend posted their stance on the latest attempt to change the 2nd amendment.  I didn't comment.  I couldn't.  I needed time to process it.  Because the only thing that came to mind was the poem "First They Came" by Pastor Martin Niemoller.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out 
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews 
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak for me

 He was a complicated individual, who didn't realize until far too late that the very things he had supported, the antisemitic activities against the Jewish people would eventually come around to him when he spoke out about the Nazi control of the church. 

When you learn about these things and struggle to remember them, it is easier to see what is happening. Did you know the Jewish people were not allowed to own guns? Why?  What was the reasoning behind it? I personally do not care if you own a gun or you don't.  I don't care if you have an entire armory or you are opposed to all guns.  The truth of the matter is the criminals aren't going through a background check at any point.  They simply don't care.  Our constitution was designed in such a way that we are given freedom at birth, that amendment has nothing to do with hunting.  

It is one of the things that protects us from losing those rights and freedoms.  It breaks my heart into a million pieces when folks don't do research, don't learn from the past, don't study every side of an argument or bill. 

There is a lot going on right now.  None of it is in our favor.  We are simply the chattel that will continue to slave away to make a very small percentage of humans wealthy beyond comprehension.  We are expendable as long as we allow it.  Stop for a moment and think about mass shootings, when do they occur and no we are not the only country suffering from them, so lay that to rest.  We are just the only country being talked about in the media non-stop because we have those rights that others don't.  

Think about what the media is putting out there, think about the responses, really think and look.  Eyes wide open, look.  Before you decide your thoughts and feelings based on biased, non-stop repeating news stories, research (hint go to nontraditional sources).  Dust off the real encyclopedias - the ones that cannot be edited and locked every time there is a new update to "the facts".  The ones written before this time and place. 

I never would have believed 1984 was going to be a guidebook to our lives, but here we are.  I'm tired of newspeak, I'm tired of the control.  So far since I've been silent I've heard the WEF wants us to give up our own cars, eat bugs and cut our nitrogen and CO2 emissions in the name of a greener planet.  Newsflash for all of those non-gardening/farming folks out there both nitrogen and CO2 are critical for a greener planet, they are literally the food for the green of the planet. 

Stop and think about it all.

Our children are not learning about banking, finances, the way our government works, how to protect themselves from predatory practices.  They aren't truly learning about the environment and what keeps it healthy and thriving in schools anymore.  If you look at curriculum and the stuff coming out of schools as assignments, it's positively unsettling. I'm thankful my children are finished with school, I wish my grands were.  The things that are important to create responsible adults are being brushed past, a brief footnote.  Thankfully, I am not faced with the decisions to unschool or homeschool vs. a traditional education.  I pray for those that are. 

They are pushing folks to move into over crowded urban areas.  It will be better they say.  For whom?  Want to learn something disturbing?  Check out Neom, in Saudi Arabia, and like I said, nothing new under the sun... then learn about Prora.  I grew up in Germany, I have witnessed first hand the tiny apartments stacked one on top of another.  No thank you, I simply don't like neighbors that much.   


I know our news media isn't covering it, but it appears the Dutch and Italian farmers are giving their governments a run for their money and good on them.  I read a comment on one of my gardening groups that stunned me more than words.  The article was about the farmers being tired of all the restrictions being placed on them, how difficult it was making it to provide the crops that are needed to feed the world in general (and yes, we can grow sufficient food for the entire planet - no one needs to be dying of starvation - do some actual research if you don't believe me).  But the comment that literally made my head spin was from a woman and her response was... "I don't know why people are worrying about the farmers and their crops, everyone knows you can just go to Kroger or Albertson's and buy all that you want"... 

Was she serious?  Lord I hope not.  But given the way things are going... sadly I fear she was. They have created a total disconnect between people and where their food comes from.  Heck, saw an advertisement from German about Insect Burgers. Ummmmm nope. Not interested. In fact, do your kiddo's a favor, take them to farms, let them harvest their own food.  Teach them to can and put it away for the winter months. Don't know how?  There are so many wonderful people that will teach them the skills that are being lost to technology, find those people, spread that knowledge.  

Let them savor the sweetness of a peach picked straight from the branch.  Soft and sweet. Tree ripened fruit has no comparison in the grocery store. Or let them wander through fields of overgrown blackberry bushes like I did this past weekend.  The kids that were with their parents were having a great time looking deep within the vines for the ripe lush blackberries, they knew that they were helping their mom gather for the blackberry cobbler they were going to have for dinner. Their screaming and yelling drove me bonkers, but in their defense I wasn't feeling well, so everything was driving me bonkers.  The beauty is that they understood where that wonderful treat was coming from.  Shop farmers markets, find that field ripened produce and support your local farmers, stop being the cog that is feeding the machine designed to destroy us.  

As you can see, I've had a lot on my mind.  I'm still sitting back and watching.  I'm taking the approach that I can't change the world, but I can learn to flow through it. Today will be a busy day, because even though I wasn't 100% feeling awesome on Saturday we went to the Amish market and picked blackberries.  Hubs and I managed to can all of the green beans yesterday, even saved a few seeds to be able to grow my own next year, but the summer cold that I managed to get has been kicking my behind just a touch.  

So today is salsa making, canning potatoes, making some bread (wheat free) in honor of Lughnasadh (the first harvest of the year), and canning up some yummy peaches.  Winter will soon be here and the flavors of summer will make those days far brighter and more welcoming. If there is any energy left untapped at that point I will make another batch of jalapeno's, a few more pickles and something with my paltry little 3 pounds of blackberries.  I don't know if I will get it all finished, this cold has definitely slowed my roll, but this is the best I've felt in days, so time to get busy. 

Life is crazy folks.  Please be aware, please pay very close attention.  Because much like the poem I quoted above the time may come when there will be no one to speak for you. 

love and prayers.... 

1 comment:

cherish the moments...

Thank you Lord for this beautiful morning.  It's August and after a few mornings where you could barely breathe outside due to the heat ...