I felt pretty confident taking them today though. Rain was heading our way, I didn't feel it would be overly crowded. It wasn't. Of course we ended up walking in the rain, but it was wonderful and we definitely enjoyed our time.
I've been in a bit of a funk lately. Not really depressed, more not feeling like I wanted to participate in basically anything. I was allowing myself to be sucked into the insanity and drama that is blanketing our world right now. Everything felt a bit spiraling, so I felt the need to basically shut down.
I was letting my chores slide, eating healthy was going by the wayside, I wasn't taking time for me, for being active. I was literally just being.
My injured thumb and not having what I needed for crafting was wearing me out as well. It was making me fussy. Looks like that long arm is going to be another month at least. I'm simply not happy about that, but I am sure that there is a reason that I am not grasping yet.
I've spent a lot of time in prayer lately. A lot of time reflecting on my thoughts, feelings and emotions. Yesterday, I woke up full of energy and a strong desire to jump back into my life. To stop being involved with the distractions that are being laid out before us and to start being focused on the things that bring me joy and excitement.
I am putting into place a lens. I am working on developing my own internal bull poop meter. Frankly, I think a great deal of what is being presented to us, is a full on load of manure. And I definitely mean it.
This morning as I was chopping up the jalapeno's for the much requested Cowboy Candy, I was listening to different podcasts. I spent a bit of time reading a few articles this morning that were questioning different narratives that are flying around right now. I'm probably going to tick a few folks off, but the bull meter is firing in the deep dark red level at this moment in time.
I am allowed my thoughts, feelings and ideas the same as everyone else. Looking at everything happening seemingly at the same exact moment in time, reminds me of a small child throwing the mother of all tantrums because they didn't get their way. I remember both of my kiddo's sprawled out on the ground, arms and legs flaying, heads rolling back and forth as they screamed until they were purple in the face. Simply because they were told no to something, anything that their little immature undeveloped emotions couldn't handle. Luckily they both grew out of it, for the most part.
There is information flying around right now, not all of it is readily in your face and I feel deeply that the info deep in your face is probably the information that you truly want to ignore. I mean don't you feel like you are globally watching governments and elites throwing a massive tantrum?
It makes me feel like the fit I was just watching my puppies throw. One was whining, the other was being arrogant, they were mouthing each other and pushing back and forth. The reason? They both wanted the same cow hooves, never mind that there are at least 6 of them currently in the same room, they want that one.
The difference is it feels like an attempt to overwhelm us, to create fear in us, as they are spiraling out of control. There is word that information is going to be released - computers, lists and video's that might not bode well for people's reputations and then there are searches that are uncovering classified documents being stored in places that they shouldn't be. Don't forget the big white balloon that scooted randomly across the country, or the current ones that are being "reported" around the world.
On top of all of that, lets not forget the chaos of the economy, the shortages and the destruction of food processing plants and systems. Oh yeah, quick lets add in a few trains derailing and possible environmental disasters.
Oops and never forget wars and rumors of wars... they are really ramping up all of that. And shootings that are happening without reason (? doubtful?), especially given the locations. Always seem to be in gun free zones.
Seriously? That is all I can think of at this moment, unless we start to include things the divisions that are being stoked and pushed from all directions. It feels like "circuses and bread". Keep folks entertained with distractions and worrying about where their food will come from and you can control them.
That is a pretty big tantrum and I firmly believe it is all designed to push us into the same frenzy as the embarrassed parent trying to gain control of that toddler that has lost the ability to reason. Any parent or caregiver out there has encountered that moment in time. Do you give in - teaching the child that they simply have to behave poorly to receive whatever they want? Do you join in the chaos of the moment - therefore escalating the situation? Or do you allow that child to scream, yell, throw the mother of all fits until the wear themselves out and realize that course of action did not get the desired result and it is time to act reasonable?
All of those situations can be faced with love. All of them can be handled with grace, well except melting down with them - there is zero grace in that solution. But when you step back, refuse to join in and allow the situation to run it's course, things often look very different.
I guess I am choosing to be that person. I will participate to the level that I absolutely have to, but I am not going to dig in and play the games. I know that God is in complete control. I firmly believe 90% or better of the shenanigans are simply to instill the fear that they thrive on - nope I didn't miss the whole 'vid thing that started in 2020, I didn't participate in that game either.
So yesterday, in the bright sunshine I took my puppies for three walks. They don't need them for potty breaks, they can relieve themselves any time they wish in the fenced yard. But they do need them to reinforce social skills, to get exercise and to learn self-control. Today we've already walked once in the rain, I will take them out again shortly.
I am choosing to live my life. I am choosing to bow my head in prayer and release the anxiety to God. I am choosing to ignore the tantrum until such a time that reason can return.
Well... I have Cowboy Candy to finish up, and the rain looks to have passed for the moment. Hubs will be home for lunch shortly and then I do believe I have a few chores lined up for this afternoon. Enjoy this day. Yep, I'm aware it is Valentine's day, not a huge fan. I don't like holidays that are created to boost commercialism. I prefer to love my Hubs, family and friends every day. But to each their own...
love and prayers...