I should consider taking the pups for an excursion before it gets warm today. It's a typical late July day, warm. Okay, it will be hot, but that is completely normal so... I've never made a secret of my dislike for the heat, but my garden is loving it, so, complaints are not allowed.
Hubs and I were invited to go boating with his boss and his wife yesterday evening. It was absolutely wonderful. I was a touch concerned when we first arrived at the temp was still hovering around 100°, I quickly discovered there was no need to be. It was so beautiful out scooting along the water. The wind and slight mist made it so comfortable. It was breathtaking to drift along with the waves and current watching the sun dipping further and further into the horizon. We all know I'm an absolute sucker for sunrises and sunsets.
I am not usually a huge fan of boating, I have a few fears surrounding it that I absolutely do not understand as they seem baseless. I also don't like water that I cannot see into. And if you've ever been in the rivers and lakes up here, you will know that for the most part, you cannot see anything but a deep, murky brown. We traveled along the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. I'd never realized they flowed in and out of each other's spaces with simply some tiny islands in between them. The river was super calm last night, so it was definitely peaceful and easy.
The bluffs in the late afternoon were a vibrant white, almost shocking against the deep greens of the trees, it's such a different view than what you see driving along the Great River Road. It's literally one of Hubs' favorite places in the world and I could see the work weariness of his soul lifting as we moved along the river.
His boss shared that when he is on the water it is the only time he doesn't think about work all the time also. They seem to be cut from the same cloth. Deeply conscientious of their duties, aware of the impact they make and dedicated to doing their very best.
I was in a much different head space, I don't have work that wears on my soul now, I focus on things that calm and relax me, while benefitting my loved ones. So for me it was simply a chance to explore an old space from a new perspective. A chance to share gardening adventures and learn that I can use the mush left from making fruit jellies and jams to potentially make wine. I have to say, that possibility intrigues me greatly. Especially since I am going to pick blackberries again in another week. I can use the blackberry juice to make a naturally sweet syrup and then the pulp can become wine? I mean... that intrigues me greatly.
Especially as I now have a source for raw milk... wine and cheese just might actually become a thing for me this year. Can you imagine sitting by the fire this winter sipping my own wine, eating cheese that I have made on crackers I made? That sounds incredibly decadent to me and at the same time, so satisfying. I love the feeling of making and doing for my family.
Honestly, if I didn't love having my girls within walking distance, I am one of the folks that could move away from it all and learn to live much more sustainably on a small homestead. But... Hubs and I aren't getting any younger and our girls are literally 10 minutes away. You simply cannot beat that. I will just keep working on my little suburban homestead, it won't be as productive, but it fills my heart and that's what matters.
We left the puppies home for the longest time solo and unkenneled. I will admit to being super nervous. They did fantastic. Nothing was chewed up, there was no destruction and no accidents happened either. Short of them being super clingy and excited when we got home it was a great opportunity for them. My girl came over and let them out, in fact we got home while they were out back playing with them. It's always awesome to see the girls so it ended up the perfect ending to an amazingly perfect day.
Long ago Hubs started putting fans out on the deck, they provide movement to the air, but they also keep the flies and other small flying insects away. Ironically between the breeze and the fan I am slightly chilled this morning. I considered shutting the fan off, but I am definitely not a fan of flying bugs. In a few hours I am going to be thankful for this chill I am feeling now. It's funny the things we have always come up with to "beat the heat". When my kids were young we spent as many hours as possible at a variety of water parks, usually enjoying ice creams and Popsicles.
All too soon we will be through these few weeks and heading into the coldness of winter, at which point folks will start complaining about the cold. Humans are odd. The animals and critters of the earth don't complain, they simply adjust to what is going on around them. Even the puppies do that. They are only 8 months old, but they naturally know to stay on the shaded side of the yard in the afternoon heat. They might romp for a few moments in the sunshine, but they quickly retreat to the shade as they get warm. A quick drink of water and you might find them lying in front of the fan, or stretched out on the bricks of the lower patio. They rarely come in completely over heated, and if they do, it's because there was a vicious game of chase going on that neither was willing to walk away from. At which point they enjoy a big bowl of ice chips.
Ya know, I've got some canning I need to do, but I think I am going to grab my yarn and sit out here in the coolness a touch longer. The chores can wait. All too soon the temps will rise. It's all about taking advantage of the moments and not complaining about the changes in plans. Hubs is helping one of his teammates this morning in the coolness to sand and stain some furniture. They started early to avoid the intensity that mid-day brings. He'll be home for his lunch and to cool down. I think I need to plan a nice cool refreshing lunch for him with lots of cold water. So he will be ready to continue on with his day.
Remember to make the most of the moments. And simply plan your day around those pesky temperatures that signal to us that summer is here. You will be mourning it all too soon, savor the moments!
love and prayers...
Good one! 381+