Wednesday, April 12, 2023

what in the world...

Can we talk about intentionality? 

As the sun is peeking over the horizon this morning the topic has been heavy on my mind.  Since listening to Rory and Jess speak, it's basically all I have been thinking about.  I think intentionality, commitment and passion all tie together.  There are a few other things that fit in there nicely, but those are the ones that are seriously resonating with me right now. 

I got up fairly early, I usually do. Some mornings I grab my coffee, I sit in my chair and I simply sit.  I start the day off in a semi-vegetable state and then find myself stuck in that mindset for hours.  Other days, like today I jump right in.  Both feet hit the ground, my mind starts off saying not today Satan and I move into full busy mode.  

In both cases I firmly believe I set my own intentionality.  Did I linger too long on social media?  Did I find myself without ambition for the day and not really question why?  Or did I reflect on the things waiting for my attention and jump right in. Did I listen to the voice in my head encouraging me to do the things that make a difference?

Wednesday mornings usually mean little social time with Hubs in the morning.  He has a super early meeting and he is semi-obsessive about being super caught up before it starts.  As much as I hate it, I absolutely admire that dedication and commitment level. Recently, I'd found myself drifting into a habit of more or less pouting instead of doing what I usually do, getting busy and doing the things I need to do. 

For some reason today was different.  As I drank my first cup of coffee I wandered through my task list.  Stopping here and there for a sip as I worked on different things vying for my attention. Within the first hour of being awake I had finished the laundry, cleaned the washer, watered the newly planted garden beds, fed the dogs, prepped 4 large jars of red bud petals to steep for jelly, and swept the deck and kitchen. I feel unstoppable at this point. 

What I didn't do was linger on social media, I didn't clean out the 100's of spam that miraculously appear in my email inbox several times a day, I didn't linger over things outside of my realm of control. 

pepper plant




I was intentional. 

Yesterday afternoon Hubs and I were both exhausted. We always are after a trip.  Yet we both knew the red bud bloom only lasts for a few short weeks and we were pushing the outer limits, if we were going to harvest any we needed to get on it. 

While picking red bud blossoms and dodging ticks (do not get me started on that topic!) I spent some time pondering why we are so tired after a camping trip.  Especially one that is full of down time and relaxation. It is a good tired.  It finally clicked. 

We are tired because we have spent time being intentional.  We focus on things that bring us closer together, we sleep little (not because our bed isn't comfy or anything like that) it's because we spend hours talking, playing cards, taking hikes, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air.  

We got home and immediately went to a friend's 70th birthday dinner.  In fact since Thursday night, we have had limited time for connection to the internet, to television, to external influences.  Even last night involved picking flowers and then spending an evening connecting with one of our girls and our grands. 

We didn't watch television or spend time on social media, we talked, we laughed, we did crafts with the little dragon and shared a family meal gathered around the kitchen island.  The sun had long set when we headed home so the littlest could get to bed and we could feed the pups. 

It was all intentional.  Hubs watched a few moments of television, during which time he had an epiphany regarding all of the ads and marketing that are pervasive on television, the radio, email, social media, heck it's even on your weather apps and games.  It's blatant, non-stop brainwashing.  Long gone are the days of subtlety when it appeared they just wanted to market a product to you. I can't remember the last time I saw a commercial for a product like a car, clothing, home, etc.

Again... intentional.  As we have become more addicted to the electronic devices in our hands and homes the brainwashing has become more and more intense. 

I found myself reflecting yet again on what Rory and Jess had spoken of. I don't believe I could be as extreme as Rory.  I do remember the days before all of the technology.  I was blessed to grow up with limited television channels and basically a state controlled radio (I mean come on, the military picked everything we listened to or watched). 

I remember the simplicity of playing solitaire with an actual deck of cards.  Or reading books for hours, not always simply for learning, but exploring the world of make believe and fantastic places.  Although as I have often stated, I was usually the one deeply wrapped up in the little house series.  Longing for that life, wondering if I was born too late. 

Would I love to go back to a time when we could talk, about anything? A time without censuring our words and thoughts, at least in a politically motivated manner.  Heck I even remember when the phrase "politically correct" came into existence.  Yes I do believe all of it has been intentional.  Everywhere you look someone is pushing, forcing, challenging, stirring up hatred and deceit.  I can't even go there with half of it.  I don't have the energy to have conversations with people that are so completely brainwashed.  The ones that will believe whatever they are told, that have stopped questioning everything, that have given in to slow and insidious process that has been taking place. 

I don't want to be part of that kind of intentionality. 

I want to be intentional, committed and passionate about the principals of the Bible.  Satan has been waging war for a very long time, my heart breaks to see how much damage has been done.  Jesus died so that we could be forgiven of the very fact of being human, of being flawed.  I realize that many religions do not believe that.  I respect that, I support your right to believe what you do.  But watching things today, I don't feel it's a two way street. 

While we were in the heart of Missouri, away from the cities and the connectivity, the connection to life, to God, to people was so much stronger.  We engaged in random conversations with complete strangers, we gathered to listen to music, to thank each other for being and doing. There were billboards encouraging prayer and asking what would Jesus do?  It was peaceful. 

This dance between worlds is becoming far more difficult. I am finding it harder and harder to stay a participant in the hatred and division that is being sown on a daily basis.  The battle is raging.  When a channel that you watch regarding earthquakes has to step up and say "folks I feel compelled to let you know that in the battle of good and evil I am on God's side, I am making a stand." That resonates, the battle is getting stronger by the moment.  

I find I need to be more intentional myself.  I need to focus on the things the Lord is asking of me, I need to focus in on that voice that I hear in my head and heart.  The one I have let life and external forces shout down. 

Jess's approach to the internet and connectivity is a far more workable solution for me.  She runs her entire business on the internet, it is needed and required. I get it. Yet she can't run her farm if that is the only place she lives. Timers are set, boundaries on important. 

But oh I do long for the days gone by, when we spoke to one another, shared ideas and tasks.  Even for a natural introvert like myself those days long past are the kind of wonderful memories too many kids today will not possess.  

I made myself a shirt, the phrase just kept resonating in my heart and mind... "Normal isn't coming back, Jesus is Rev. 14". I wore it and another one while we were out in the country almost non-stop it was on my outer sweatshirt.  I received many compliments and smiles regarding it.  I haven't worn it here in the city, I am wondering the reaction I will get.  

I don't really care.  I am intentionally stating the fact that I am on God's side.  I will live my life to honor him. 

Hey... if you made it this far in my ramblings... thanks... The world is going nuts.  We are being used as pawns in a battle far greater than we are and we are all expendable. We have to make the choice to be free, sovereign children of God or to be slaves to others that wish to control us, to benefit from our labor and servitude. 

All of us have free will, all of us have the ability to make our own choices and our own decisions.  I guess it depends one the voices that we are choosing to listen to as we make those choices. Anyone remember the cartoon of an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other... 

The choice is ours.  We simply have to decide to be intentional, committed and passionate about our choices. 

love and prayers... 

1 comment:

  1. I do remember that cartoon... there were many. Good one! 381+


my brother's keeper...

I've been sitting here in the silence for a few hours now.  Did my usual daily stuff and then decided to simply drink my water and play ...