Friday, April 14, 2023

against the odds...

Sunshine, hot cup of coffee and a busy morning.  Yep, life is GOOD!  It's only 8 am, the sun has been up for a bit, although it is just starting to be visible above the treeline. I hit the ground running again, trying to break that habit I had found myself drifting into. It feels good to start the day off strong.  I feel productive and vital.  

While watering my spring garden this morning I happened to spy a lilac on my little bush.  It's had such a hard life.  It's not planted in a good spot to begin with, I didn't plant the sweet thing, but its clinging to life on a rather steep and rocky hillside.  Last year we had the fence installed and I was definitely not sure it would survive, they dug a post hole right near it's roots. Yet there it was blooming for all the world to see.  It only has a single flower, just enough to say "don't give up on me".  As if I would.  

I can definitely empathize with my sweet little lilac bush.  I have had some challenges in my life, haven't we all.  I fully expect to be able to nurse it to full health one of the springs.  Just the fact that it bloomed a perfect bloom definitely proves it is a fighter. 

I was running through my to do list in my mind this morning while cutting Hub's hair.  He hasn't let anyone but me cut his hair for over 20 years now, I'd like to think it's because I do an amazing job.  Realistically, it probably has more to do with the fact that he can get it cut at 6 am in his jammies, while drinking his coffee.  But I digress.  That to do list is definitely hopping.  It seems everything I have on it is taking at least three times longer than I "proposed" that it would. 

Why did Mom have to get up early???

For example, yesterday I decided to take advantage of the early morning coolness to weed the front flower beds and plant the bulbs that I decided I needed (note to self... you need absolutely zero more bulbs).  I was sure I would have them long done before the warmth of the day hit.  I was loving those 50° temperatures and could have spent the entire day working out there if it had stayed that way.  



By the time I had moved on to painting the front door frame and door, it was already pushing 80° and I was so very thankful for the strong breeze that was moving through the house. I'd painted our door navy blue over eight years ago when we moved in.  I did not like the muted blue that it was, it was dull and uninviting.  After all that time, I was weary of blue, I wanted a welcoming color. It is now a beautiful red (ironically the name of the color is "forbidden red"), and it looks so beautiful.  Now I need to order new bunting for the rails, the weather finally beat up the ones I had, and get some nice flowers for the planters that sit out front.  

I often forget that I had my knee replaced.  I've adapted to moving a bit differently, instead of simply dropping down to my knees to do a task.  I've learned to stand up from the ground, although it is awkward and I am sure I resemble some type of farm animal mimicking a human.  What I haven't learned to remember is that my leg still gets weary easily.  And some of the spots I managed to get myself into required a lot of thought to get myself out of. By mid-afternoon when I was finished with those few tasks, I was worn to the bone.  My legs were sore from the strange twists and turns that I now do to complete a task that previously I would have simply dropped to the ground to complete. Sometimes I simply forget. 

Yesterday, while taking a break a friend sent me a link.  As I read the words the person shared, I felt like I was reading the words of a kindred spirit.  He'd written his thoughts on what God is asking of us.  Yes, he asks for prayer and faithfulness.  But I have always felt that God wants us to be active, engaged participants in our lives.  Not the kind of folks that throw our hands in the air and mutter... well I prayed about it, my part is done. 

I mean he pointed out, quite honestly, that Noah had to build an ark, Abraham was asked to sacrifice his only son, David had to gather stones, the Israelite's had to walk around the walls of Jericho for seven days and then blow their shofars. These are just a few examples of what was asked.  

I truly feel that we are called to actively participate. As I read the article I felt renewed in my convictions.  I have much to do.  It is what my chosen lifestyle calls for.  Could I simply purchase things?  Of course, would it have the value that it does to me? Nope. 

I have chosen to be a homemaker.  In the purest sense of the word.  I take care of our homestead, do I wish it was a hobby farm out in the country, of course.  Will I utilize what I have here in the city?  Absolutely!

So this morning is filled with making red bud jelly, there is a large pot of chicken bone broth simmering on the stove, I will start another one after I process all of the jellies.  I will inventory the freezers, see what needs to be used or what is waiting to be canned and get busy with that.  It's the very start of canning season here.  

I will soon gather asparagus (we have eaten or shared all of the pickled asparagus we had).  The dandelions are in bloom and will need gathered for jellies and maybe even a dandelion wine this year (if I can find some nice fields to gather from).  

Tomorrow is our first trip of the season to the Amish market, God willing as their sign says. And I am excited to possibly get some young starter plants for my garden.  I was able to keep the green Amish pepper plant alive over the winter and as a result hope to get another one to add to the collection. 

Who knows.  So much that I want to do.  So much that I love to do.   God has blessed me with a wonderful life and opportunity, I am not about to squander that blessing by wasting the time and talents he's provided. I cannot ask for the gift of abundance and not be willing to work hard to receive it. 

This weekend we will visit the market, work on creating some flower beds, do a bit of planting, do some canning, help Hubs work on my quilt, do some sewing, visit with family, spend quality time with our new church and thanking God for the blessings that surround us.  

I love our life. I am thankful for all of the opportunities and the joy I find in it.  

Well, it's time to get back to work.  The jellies are waiting and I just remembered I need to fill the hummingbird feeders.  I think I saw an early arrival the other night. 

love and prayers...

1 comment:

my brother's keeper...

I've been sitting here in the silence for a few hours now.  Did my usual daily stuff and then decided to simply drink my water and play ...