Sunday, February 11, 2018

a lazy Sunday...

Good morning!  It's not a pleasant one outside today, so I feel strongly that I am going to stay inside and get a few things done.

No need to get up mom... it's cold
Hubs and I tried to take the boys for their morning walk and literally slide off the sidewalk.  They weren't digging it either.  It's odd, it looks fine, just a light dusting.  Unfortunately, that dusting is ice.  So a short slide down the hill and we are all inside and staying put.  From the sounds outside it seems like most everyone agrees with us.  The only vehicle we've even heard is the snow plow, laying down layers of salt. I'd love to salt the walk and drive, but I won't.  I don't like it on the boys feet.  It hurts them.

Tomorrow will be warmer, so I've decided that it is God's way of saying "stay home and rest".  I haven't done that in a bit and I am starting to feel the effects. Yesterday after work I simply stopped. I can't remember the last time I curled up in a blanket and just sat.  Much less for 4 hours waiting for bed time.  The exhaustion is strong right now.  I didn't cook dinner, I didn't do work, I didn't do anything.

Today I feel a bit better. My Fit-bit is telling me I slept for 8 hours and 39 minutes. I'm still tired.  I'm actually considering a nap, something I never do.  Although what I need to do is get caught up on the laundry, cooking food, cleaning up my house and all those day to day things that get shifted off when I have busy days at work.  Gotta balance the energy and the house is always going to lose.  Hubs has been awesome picking up the slack, even though he's still in a great deal of pain.

I can't believe it's been a full week since I came home.  After driving all day last Sunday I have not had a moment to catch up and catch my breath.

And here a full week has passed.

Dad appears to be doing well.  I talked to him via messenger yesterday for a few minutes.  He was freshly bathed, needs a bit of haircut (although I thought it looked good, I know he's not fond of a shaggy look), his color is great and he's in a better mood.  Sort of.

They moved him to rehab the other day and Mom has been doting on him.  I know she denies it, but that is simply who she is.  She's been sleeping on a sofa in his room so he doesn't feel lonely.  Honestly, she is the only one that can calm him the way she does.  I guess that's what happens when you've been in another person's life since you were each 14.  They will be 75 this year.  I have to keep doing the math, it's hard to believe.  They were 22 when I was born and I will be 53 this year... yep, I've got the math right. Geez!

It's rare that all of us are together, usually only during trying times, which frankly ends up being the worst time.  We are all strong personalities.  And mixing us does not usually work out well.  I learned a long time ago to simply step back and stay out of things.  It works best for me.  Which is one of the reasons I returned home last Sunday when I did.  Dad was out of danger, Mom was fine, it was time to go back to my little part of the world.  They keep me updated and I know what's going on.  Its best.

While I down there I took the opportunity to spend some quality time with my youngest niece and the sister that ironically is most like me in temperament.  We don't usually spend time together to that degree, so it was awesome.   She's had some huge changes in her world for a bit now, so catching up was needed.  I'm glad I did.

I was equally as glad to come home.  I missed the Hubs.  He'd stayed behind.  The pain was too much for him, he had two doc appointments and the boys struggle with traveling.  The last day there was particularly rough and I simply needed to go, the sweet Hubs knows me far too well and before a single tear drop could fall he'd called me to check on me.  His timing was perfect.

He talked to me as I got ready to head out.  He talked to me as I drove home.  3.5 hours straight, until I hit the rolling hills in the boot heel of Missouri.  A signal is hard to hold on to then.  The whole time he was cleaning the house, putting out a big bouquet of yellow roses, making dinner and hanging an "I missed you" sign on the garage door that would roll out as it opened when I arrived home.  The feeling of love and comfort was unmistakable.

I'd told my sister that her sweetie was so much like my dear Hubs.  I hope that he makes her as happy as Hubs makes me.  He's not perfect, no one is, especially not me... but he's darn close.

Well, I guess I am going to go up and grab the laundry, I have some sewing I want to complete and a few other things.  I keep finding myself looking longingly at my spinning wheel (although after twisting my knee this morning I think I will have to wait until I get another shot) and I now need to make more soap, as we've almost used it all.  I think a pot of hearty soup is needed to combat this biting cold and I might even make some bread.  Time for an old fashioned day.  A break from reality so I can tackle it fresh tomorrow.

Breakfast is served...

What are you doing today?

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